Sunday, April 1, 2007

Time to say goodbye to the crazy world of India...

After my one beautiful and perfect month on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, with my visa about to expire it was time for me to leave India... It was the perfect way to spend my final month in India, although not very real india i guess. as you didn't really experience the madness of the mainland while out on the Islands. My journey out of India certainly took me back to how it really is though! After flying back to Kolkata i spent a few days in Kolkata with some friends i'd met on the Islands - all of us desparately trying to adjust back to the real world and life in Kolkata is certainly a shock after life in paradise... hee hee! And this is how we dealt with it.... :)


Pulak Barua said...

Wow.... yeah it's true.... Andaman is different.... it's not the crazy world.. but after Tsunami it's not the same.... it was actual Paradise before the devastating tsunami..... :-(

Now the major problem people are facing is lack of Drinking water.... if that problem is solved it will bring back the Happy Days again :-)

maximus said...

some excellent pictures ella.. keep sending them.. its always good to see what your up to.. not sure about drinking from that well.. karen bettle and paul b say hello..karen is here now.