Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 8 - our 'day off'!??!

Ok, so because we'd just been marching on so wonderfully (ha ha!) we actually gained ourselves a 'day off' trekking, in terms of making it to our destination in time to fly back to Pokhara. So, for some crazy reason we thought it would be a good idea to 'make the most of our day off' by climbing a random mountain which hasn't even been named yet or had a proper path made going up it. Which reached 4000m (bearing in mind our 'peak' was going to be 3800m) via a steep zig zag route. Why i ask myself...i still don't know. Anyway, the views were amazing (of course!) and here's what we saw on the left.... looking out across paddy fields, and down into the willage where we were staying. Below, is me having nearly reached the top!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that picture looks amazing! I think i've missed something...who are you travelling with now? xxx