Sunday, April 1, 2007

The 11 hour roller-coaster ride...

Here is Iftah (Israeli firend met north of Andamans-Diglipur) and i on the most crazy 11 hour bus ride i have ever taken. We were put on the back sit of a rickety old bus right from the north to the south of the Andaman Islands where we were literally coming off our seats every 5 minutes.... it was madness!!! Hence why we called it our 11 hour roller-coaster ride as there is just no other way to describe it. All we could do is screem then burst out laughing everytime we got thrwon into the air, and of course being surrounded by locals who probably did this journey everyday-they found it very bizarre that we even flinched at the bumps. One tip - don't ever try to take a cup of chai on an indian bus, especially this one... clever old ella thought this was a great idea and couldn't understand why everyone was laughing at me as i walked passed them with my scoulding chai to the back of the bus. I soon saw why when the bus started moving again! Such a muppet! :)

1 comment:

maximus said...

looking a bit much booze